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A Hitchcock’s Prize Package Shoo Fly Candy Buffalo New York Label
A Reynolds Royal Crown White Lead Buffalo New York Label
Anacahuite Praeparate for Consumption and Lung Disease Dr. Krog Bleeker Street New York Label
Anticipator World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Appetizer World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Arm and Hammer Soda Church and Company New York Victorian Trade Card
Asthma Phthisic and Catarrh World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Aston’s Refined Liverpool Salt Geo. Mann Washington St New York Advertisement
Austin and Nichols Sunbeam Corn New York Label
Basley and McAlvanah Macks Milk Chocolate Deliciously Prepared New York Label
Bergtold Fancy Furs Buffalo New York Label
Billy Rose Diamond Horseshoe 46th Street New York Matchbook w/Sample
Bireley’s Drink Grape Bryce Bottling New York Bottle Cap
Blandina for Cure and Prevention of Chapped Face After Shaving Kimber and Underhill Flushing New York Label
Blue Label Rye Whiskey M Manning Poughkeepsie New York Label
Boulevard Tavern Elmhurst New York Queens Boulevard Matchbook w/Sample
Bradley OK Salt New York Label
Bramkamps Appleland south of Hudson Milk Cap
Burnham Carrots Newark New York Label
Butterfly Brand Olney and Floyd Westernville Oneida New York Label
C Klinck’s Sugar Cured Hams Buffalo New York Label
Calvert Whiskey New York City Enjoy a Lo-Ball Matchbook w/Sample
Caw’s Ink Fountain Ink Co New York Label
CG Moody Brookland Farms Big Flats New York Cap w/Sample
Cheever New York Club Sauce for Roast Meats, Chops, Game Label
Child’s Restaurant Nation’s Host Manhattan and Brooklyn New York Matchbook
Circus Procession Victorian New York Poster
Costiveness World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Crown Lozenge for Coughs and Nervous Irritation by Welles and Branch Waterloo New York Label
Cummings and Clark Akron Cement Buffalo New York Label
Cunard New York Liverpool Route Sailing 4 Times Weekly Advertisement
Curtice Brothers Blue Label Tomato Ketchup Rochester New York Label
Curtice Brothers Blue Label Tomatoes Rochester New York Label
D’Amelio’s Dairy Chilled Orange Juice Frankfort New York Cap w/Sample
Dewan Chocolate Milk Oneida New York Cap w/Sample
Digestion World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Dr. Gilbert’s Cholera Annihilator New York Label w/Sample
Dr. Pierce’s Compound Extract of Smart Weed Cures Rheumatic Infections Enlarged Glands and Pains of Females Buffalo New York Label
Dr. Queru Fragrante Dental Treatments Advertisements New York
Du Bois Bock Beer Buffalo New York Label
Durkee Cayenne Perfectly Pure New York Label w/Sample
Edward Maynard’s Thirst Preventer Army Navy Persons Exposed Pearl Street New York Label
EJ Parry Uncle Sam’s Dairy Utica New York Cap w/Sample
Electric Brand Granulated Table Salt Glen Salt Company Watkins New York Label
Esterbrook and Co A1 Professional Pen New York Philadelphia Label
Fairbanks Soap New York Omaha Chicago and Saint Louis Label
Farwell and Rhines Barley Crystals Cereal Watertown New York Label
Faultless Small Beets Edgett-Burnham Newark New York Label
Faultless Small Red Fancy Beets Edgett-Burnham Newark New York Label w/Sample
Ferris Ham Label New York
Fifth Avenue Hotel New York City Matchbook
Fischer Best Starch in the World Brooklyn New York Label
Fischer White Rose Starch Requires No Cooking Best in the World Brooklyn New York Label
Fitzpatrick and Draper Kingston New York Cigar Label
Francis Leggett Premier Run of the Garden Lima Beans New York Label
French Breakfast and Dinner Coffee American Tea Co. Vesey St. New York Label
Game Cock Pure White Lead Label
Gamecock Pure White Lead New York Label
Geo. Ehret’s Munich Beer Girl Brewery New York Label
Geo. Ehrets Bock Beer 93rd Street Brewery New York Label
George Ehrets Brewery New York Arch Label
German Corn Remover It Will Do Wonders New York Label
Gibson Howard Moss Rose Chewing Tobacco Buffalo New York Label
Gillette and Sons Dairy Inc Watertown New York Cap w/Sample
Globe Woolen Co Utica New York Label
Good Cheer Souvenir This Porcineograph United States Pig Map Wellsley Massachusetts 1875 w/Sample
Gordon and Dilworth Jellies Syrups Manufacturers Greenwich St. New York Label
Grunewald New Orleans Mardi Gras March Music by DL White Texas Massachusetts New York w/Sample
HC Derby Extra Soused Pigs’ Feet Foot of 39th New York Label
Hile’s and Sons Broadway New York Fancy Goods Victorian Trade Card w/Sample
Hills and Sons Dry and Fancy Goods Broadway New York Victorian Ephemera
Home Washing Machine and Wringer Barclay and Cortland Streets New York Advertisement
Howard Page Grade A Medium Cream New Berlin New York Cap
Hudson River Packing Co Marrowfat Peas New York Label
Humor Cure World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
International Baking Powder Queen City Chemical Company Buffalo New York Victorian Trade Card
Invigorating Horse Bitters William Scruton New York Label
Invigorating Horse Bitters William Scruton New York Label w/Sample
Irish Beauty Best that Grows Bert Moritz New York Philadelphia Label
James Kent Daisy Glove Leather Gloversville New York Label
Jesse Haney New York Scroll Book Label
JH Singer Cuckoo Society Game New York
Joseph Stern Progress Prime Beef New York Label
Kimball’s High Grade Cigarettes Rochester New York Victorian Trade Card
Laflin Gunpowder Saugerties New York Advertisement
Laugh and Grow Fat the Genuine Secret of Dyeing Fast Colors Great Shoshonees Remedy Dr. Young Syracuse NY Book
Liliputian Bazaar Childrens’ Clothing New York Victorian Ephemera
LW Drake Sugar Cured Hams Buffalo New York Label
Maiden’s Dream World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Mandeville and King Superior Flower Seeds Cover w/Sample
Mandeville Superior Flower Seeds Rochester New York Catalogue w/Sample
Martin Dairy Medium Cream Newark New York Cap
Matthiessen and Wiechers Palace Extra Sugar Wall Street New York Label
McMaster Bros Inc Milk Saranac Lake New York Cap w/Sample
Meadow Brook Farm North Troy New York Cap w/Sample
Menagerie New York Central Park Elephant Matchbook
Merchant’s Gargling Oil for Horses Cattle and Human Flesh I am Darwin’s Grandpapa It’s Doubly Good for Me Buffalo New York Victorian Advertisement
Merrell and Soule Sweet Corn Madison County Syracuse New York Label
MH William’s Junior Chocolate Glens Falls New York Cap
Miejskie Hotel Elblag Long Island City Junk Journal Page
Miss Liberty Diner Liberty New York Matchbook
Moellene Superior Ox Marrow Clarified by Steam Bostwick and Co. New York Label
Morehouse’s Foot Rot Compound Wayland New York Label
Morning Glory Stove Article Albany New York
Mother’s Comfort World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Nash Whiton Worcester Brand Crystalline Salt New York Label
New Skateland Roller Skating Rink 1320 Main Buffalo New York Decal
New York Life Insurance Building Matchbook
New York Perspective Junk Journal Page
New York Skyscrapers Postcard
New York State Concord Grapes Chautauqua and Erie County ED Morse Portland New York Label
New York Tobacco Label
Newark Sweet Corn Edgett Burnham Newark New York Label
None Such Pie Fruits Merrell Soule Syracuse New York James E. Walsh Swift River Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Northern and Eastern Climate World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
NYC Stork Club Matchbook
Oakley’s Queen Soap Newburgh New York Victorian Trade Card
Old Sachem Bitters WigWam Tonic Hunnewell Agent New York William Goodrich Label
Oneida County New York 1800’s Business Advertisement
Oneida County New York 1800’s Business Advertisement
Onondag Sweet Corn Merrell and Soule Syracuse New York Label w/Sample
Oriental Tonic for Beautifying Hair New York Label
Oyster Bay Asparagus Bogle Lyles New York Label
Peck and Snyder Clipper Club Skate New York Label
Pigeon Papers La Flor de Las Antillas Junk Journal Page
Pigeon Papers New York City Shirts Junk Journal Page
Pine Grove Dairy Skaneateles New York Cap
Rand McNally New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Map
Reuter’s Life Syrup Great Blood Purifier Jarabe de la Vida New York Label
Reynold’s Co. Pure White Lead in Linseed Oil Buffalo New York Label
Reynold’s Co. Pure White Lead in Linseed Oil Buffalo New York Label w/Sample
Richmond County Gazette Stapleton Staten Island Republican Newspaper Next President Victorian Hand w/Sample
Saint George Staten Island New York Victorian Baseball Poster
Salt Rheum Cure World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Sam Little’s Fig Leaf Tobacco New York Label w/Sample
Sam’l Hart Round Cornered Euchre Cards Broadway New York Pennsylvania Label
Schade’s Imperial Corn Salve Contains No Poison! New York Label
Schade’s Imperial Corn Salve New York Label
Seely’s Bone Oil New York Label w/Sample
Sigari Marconi Italian Cigar Brooklyn New York Matchbook
Snaider Syrup Pineapple Punch 389 Bushwick Avenue Brooklyn New York Label w/Sample
South Shore Federal Savings and Loan Match Services Massapequa New York Matchbook
South Shore Federal Savings and Loan Sunrise Highway Long Island New York Horse Matchbook
Southern Climate World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Spare Hours Made Profitable for Boys and Girls 1887 New York Book
Star Wine Kosher Fredonia Products New York Label
Strobridge Lithograph 1883 Victorian Lion Calendar from Cincinnati Ohio and New York
Superfine New York Chicks Junk Journal Page
Tampa Dairy Farms West Babylon Long Island Terryville New York Cap
Thalheimer White Rose Baking Powder Syracuse New York Label
Thunderbolt Coney Island New York 30 Cent NY Globe Amusement Ride Ticket
Tiny Green Lima Beans the great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company New York Label
Travelers’ Tavern Calverton Long Island New York Matchbook
Tripler’s Bathing Suit Mechanics Shirt NY City Label
Tripolio Wonderful Scouring Soap Waters and Wrigley Chicago and New York Victorian Trade Card
Troy Dickens Linen Face Cloth Button Hole Shirt Albany New York Label
Union Machine Twist Leonard Bros. Broadway New York Label
Union Made Sweet Orr Work Clothes for Men Greenport Long Island Matchbook
Urinary Organs World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Walter and Fielding Liquid Dryer New York Label w/Sample
Waverly White Zinc New York Label Label
Wayne Bartlett Pears Edgett-Burnham Newark New York Label w/Sample
Wayne Early Evergreen Corn Edgett Burnham Newark New York Label w/Sample
Wayne Golden Bantam Corn Edgett Burnham Newark New York Label
Wayne Wax Beans Edgett-Burnham Newark New York Label w/Sample
Western Climate World Round Medicine New York Label
Western Climate World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Whiteface Mountain Memorial Highway Adirondack Mountains New York Postcard
Wild Cherry Rock and Rye Calvin Shafer New York Label
Wise-Up Carbonated Beverage Staten Island New York Label
WKBW Buffalo Radio Dial 1520 Matchbook w/Sample
Yankee Baking Powder New York and Chicago Label
New York
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