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1918 Red Cross Pin
29 Old Medicine Labels Project Page
Ache Knock Tablets Honolulu Hawaii Stewart’s Pharmacy Matchbook w/Sample
Allen’s Chickasaw Indian Medicine Blood Corrector Newark New Jersey Advertisement
Anacahuite Praeparate for Consumption and Lung Disease Dr. Krog Bleeker Street New York Label
Anticipator World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Appetizer World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Asthma Phthisic and Catarrh World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Bicarbonate of Soda Boyson’s Pharmacy 21st and Valencia San Francisco Label
Black Draught as a Laxative Boyson’s Pharmacy 21st and Valencia San Francisco Label w/Sample
Blandina for Cure and Prevention of Chapped Face After Shaving Kimber and Underhill Flushing New York Label
Bliss’ Solidified Cough Drops A Most Agreeable Remedy for Cold in the Head Label w/Sample
Boric Acid Ideal Drugs Store Van Buren Arkansas Label
Boschee’s Gerrman Syrup McMahon Drugs Stowe Vermont Advertisement
Bromo Seltzer That Headache Matchbook w/Sample
Brown’s Sanguinaria Canadensis Compound Medicine Label
Bush’s 25 Cent Liver Pills Worcester Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Caldwell’s Lacteal Nervine to Annihilate all Pains Albany NY Label
Camphorated Oil Zern Pharmacy Brimfield Illinois Label
Cerate for Chapped Hands and Lips Label
Cherokee Liniment Cure for Lameness BZ Moody Boston Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Choate’s Magic Cough Lozenges Boston Label
Cleansing Drink for Cows Attenburrow Label w/Sample
Colgate Cashmere Bouquet Handkerchief Perfume Label
Costiveness World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Crown Lozenge for Coughs and Nervous Irritation by Welles and Branch Waterloo New York Label
Davis’ Extene Consumption Liver Complaints and Dyspepsia Reading Pennsylvania Label w/Sample
Dawes Druggist Glass Label
Diarrhea Cordial Nashua New Hampshire Label w/Sample
Digestion World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Dr. Appleby’s African Diarrhea Specific Seth Fowle Boston Massachusetts Label
Dr. Feely’s Pine Shampoo for Dogs with Coco Castille Soap Label
Dr. Fitch’s Extirpator! Cure for Cancer Carver and Eliot Street Boston Label
Dr. Gilbert’s Cholera Annihilator New York Label w/Sample
Dr. Hooker’s Liquid Balm All Other Pain Extractors Sink into Insignificance Boston Label
Dr. Hudson’s Cough Destroyer Mattapoisett Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Dr. Hudson’s German Humor Eradicator for Scald Head, Smarting and Scaly Eruptions Mattapoisett Massachusetts Label
Dr. Hudson’s German Humor Eradicator Mattapoisett Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Dr. Le Salle Bitters for the Blood Clapp and Fenner Brookfield Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Dr. Lightfoot’s Indian Pulmonary Pastilles Sure Speedy Cure all Diseases William Bontecou Buffalo New York Label
Dr. Lindenfeld’s Vegetable Worm Syrup Rochester New York Label w/Sample
Dr. Pearson’s Embrocation for Man and Horse Effectual Remedy for Itch and All Eruptions Philadelphia Pennsylvania Label w/Sample
Dr. Robbins’ Surgeons’ Adhesive Plaster Worcester Massachusetts Label
Dr. Trafton’s Buckthorn Berry Pills Label
Dr. Trask’s Magnetic Ointment Curing Inflammation of the Bowels with Certificates of Remarkable Cures Label
Druggist’s Label
Dunn’s Liniment for Glandular Swellings and Frosted Feet Label w/Sample
Edward Maynard’s Thirst Preventer Army Navy Persons Exposed Pearl Street New York Label
Elixir of Iron and Barks for Loss of Apetite and as a General Strengthener Hannaford Elkhart Indiana Label
Emerson’s Razor Strap Benjamin Badger Charleston Massachusetts Label
EQ Miller ITCH Ointment for the disagreeable and loathsome Boston Massachusetts Label
Ernest’s Maravilla Beautifying Hair New York Label
Female Pills Paris France Label w/Sample
Giofray’s Improved Grey Hair Renovator Rockland Maine Label w/Sample
Glover Ewell Antinausia Sea Sickness Remedy Quincy Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Good Night’s Rest Forms No Habit St Louis Missouri Trade Card
Gre Solvent Cleans Hands Fast Miles Ahead of Soap Matchbook
Hall’s Pond Lily Cream Chelsea Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Hasheesh Candy Gunjah of Enchantment the Exhiliratia from Arabia Boston Massachusetts Label
Hodgson’s Bronchial Tablets Philadelphia Label w/Sample
Humor Cure World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Hunnewell’s Eclectic Pills a Cure for Billiousness, Worms, and All Diseases Label
Insect Powder Boyson’s Pharmacy 21st and Valencia San Francisco Label
Invigorating Horse Bitters William Scruton New York Label
Invigorating Horse Bitters William Scruton New York Label w/Sample
Jests Antacid Too Much Eating Drinking Matchbook
Johnston Optical Co Patent Pupillary Bi Metallic Spectacles Advertisement
Ladies You Want Helbold’s Jelly of Glycerine and Roses Philadelphia Advertisement
Lotion Curatif Ulcerative Diseases Elbridge Chase Boston Label
Lotion Detersif Diseases of Skin Acne, irritable or Itching Eruptions Elbridge Chase Boston Massachusetts Label
Lovage Lozenges Aromatic Spicy Taste Agreeable Odor By Safford Springfield Massachusetts Label
Maiden’s Dream World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
McKesson’s Calox Tooth Powder Matchbook
Medicated Alcohol for Rubbing and External Uses POISON McAllister Druggist Hoopeston Illinois Label
Medicated Alcohol POISON HC Grund Drug Practical Druggists Fremont Ohio Label
Miss Chamberlain’s Perfumed Emollient the Toilet Perfectly Harmless Gentlemen Label
Morning Call Liqueur Higienique Label w/Sample
Mother’s Comfort World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Mott’s Compound Extract Sampson MD Label
Mrs. Bristol’s Baby Soother Great Remedy for Children Label
Mrs. Mayhew’s Vegetable Galvanic Liniment Label
Mrs. Wheeler’s Worm Confections Pleasant Safe and Sure Label
Murray and Lanman Florida Water New York Label
Nervine Tablets for Periodical Pains, Grippe, Bakelite Tube 50 Cent s Matchbook
No Nasty Physics Ex-Lax Ideal Laxative Fig Flavor and Chocolated Matchbook
Northern and Eastern Climate World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Old Dr. Warren’s Bitters Society of Friends 1810 Label
Old Sachem Bitters WigWam Tonic Hunnewell Agent New York William Goodrich Label
Perry’s Extract of Forest Flowers for the Hair Label
Pilules Tonique Remedy for Disorders of Nervous System Hysteria, Nymphomania, Spermatobia Elbridge Chase Boston Massachusetts Label
Professor Kayton’s Oil of Life an Almost Infallible Cure Label
Quillman’s Drug Store Ferguson Missouri Matchbook
Red Cross Cough Drops Mentholated Matchbook
RH Taylor National Tonic Bitters Label
Salt Rheum Cure World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Samuel Duffield Chemist Detroit and Dearbornville Michigan Label
Seavy’s Pulmonic Troches for Speakers and Singers Boston Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Seely’s Bone Oil New York Label w/Sample
Segur’s Golden Seal Sure Cure Dyspepsia Orrin Skinner Springfield Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Sheep Wash South Down Company Boston Advertisement
Sir Clarke’s Female Periodical Pills Patronized by the Queen Label w/Sample
Southern Climate World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Stephen Jewett’s Pulmonary Elixir Rindge New Hampshire Label
Sturgis’s Hair Mixture Label
Sweetser’s Compound Iceland Moss Candy for Ticklings, Colds and Uneasy Sensations Label
Thompson’s Diarrhea Syrup No Family Should Be Without Label
Thompson’s Extract of Jamaica Ginger Cures Cholera Cramps Label
Thompson’s Fever and Ague Powders Label
Thompson’s Rheumatic and Horse Liniment Cures Sprains Label
Thompson’s Vegetable Cattle Powder Crawford and Fobes Philadelphia Pennsylvania Label
Tinct Iodine POISON Hotel Custer Pharmacy Galesburg Illinois Label
Tolu Anodyne Certain Safe Remedy for Neuralgia Hunnewell and Co New York Massachusetts Label w/Sample
Tolu Anodyne has been called Fabulous Hunnewell and Co New York Label w/Sample
Tums for the Tummy Matchbook
Turkish Bitter Certain Cure for Bilious Complaints Sick Headache and Diseases of the Liver CD Winslow Label
Uncle Sam’s Tooth Powder
Universal Cough Remedy Hunnewell and Co New York Label w/Sample
Urinary Organs World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Victoria Hair Gloss by Frederic Morrill Unequalled Restoration and Preservation of Hair Label
Weaton’s Itch Ointment for Old Eruptions and Sore Heads by Weeks and Potter Boston Label w/Sample
Western Climate World Round Medicine New York Label
Western Climate World Round Medicine New York Label w/Sample
Woods’ Tar Ointment for Salt Rheum Marlboro Massachusetts Label
You’re Always Welcome at Walgreen’s Drug Stores Matchbook w/Sample
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