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30 Milk Caps 2 Project Page
30 Milk Caps Set #1
Albert Sochor Elm Grove Farm Putnam Connecticut Dairy Cap
Austin Dairy Bingham Maine Milk Cap
Avery Lactate Sour Milk for Bread Boston Massachusetts Label
Baker and Son Chocolate Milk Atlanta Michigan Milk Cap
Baker and Son Imitation Orange Atlanta Michigan Cap w/Sample
Beep Fruit Flavored Drink Lassig’s Dairy Rhinelander Wisconsin Cap
Bramkamps Appleland south of Hudson Milk Cap
Buehler Dairies Willow Grove Pennsylvania Milk Cap
Burkhart’s Pure Milk Newport Ohio Milk Cap
Burkhart’s Pure Milk Newport Ohio Milk Cap
Burlington County Farms New Lisbon New Jersey Thursday Milk Cap
Butler Dairy Cream Newark Ohio Cap w/Sample
Butler Dairy Please You Raw Milk Newark Ohio Milk Cap
Cedar Heights Guernsey Milk Cedar Rapids Milk Cap w/Sample
CG Moody Brookland Farms Big Flats New York Cap w/Sample
Challenge Brand Condensed Milk Label
Chocolate Fairland Milk Sunbury Ohio Cap w/Sample
Chocolate MILK Cap w/Sample
Clifford Colby Milk Telephone Bucksport Cap w/Sample
Consumers Grade A Milk Westerly Rhode Island Cap w/Sample
Cream Valley Dairy Skim Milk Woodstown New Jersey Cap w/Sample
Creamline Dairy Bethany Connecticut Cap w/Sample
Crown Brand Condensed Milk
D’Amelio’s Dairy Chilled Orange Juice Frankfort New York Cap w/Sample
Del Vim Prince Edward Dairy Picton Ontario Chocolate Milk Cap w/Sample
Dewan Chocolate Milk Oneida New York Cap w/Sample
Drigg’s Orange Drink Toledo Ohio Cap w/Sample
Dundee Creamery Moon Dairy Label
Ed Oyster Jersey Milk Cap w/Sample
EJ Kaemmer and Son Buttermilk Meriden Connecticut Milk Cap w/Sample
EJ Parry Uncle Sam’s Dairy Utica New York Cap w/Sample
Ewald Brothers Golden Guernsey World’s Finest Milk Minneapolis Minnesota Matchbook
Fairland Farms Russell Miller Grade A Milk Sunbury Ohio Cap w/Sample
Fairview Dairy Grade A Raw HA Diener Cap w/Sample
Ferdinand Grunert’s Blue Label Cheese Monroe Wisconsin Label
Ferguson Vitamin D Milk Cap w/Sample
Fern Hill Dairy Iron Mountain Michigan Cap w/Sample
Florence Dairy 24 Hour Period Ending 6am Florence New Jersey Cap w/Sample
For a Fresher Complexion Drink Milk Cap w/Sample
Fryzel’s Milk Pawtucket Rhode Island Cap w/Sample
Gillette and Sons Dairy Inc Watertown New York Cap w/Sample
Glen Valley Farms Claasen Ave Ohio Not to be Sold After Sunday Cap w/Sample
Gloria Leche Evaporada Para Toda La Familia Matchbook w/Sample
Green Spot Orange Drink Cap
Gribler Cultured Buttermilk Van Wert Ohio Cap
Gribler Orange Drink Van Wert Ohio Cap
Hancock Co Creamery Ellsworth Maine Cap w/Sample
Hartwig Dairy Woodland Buttermilk California Cap w/Sample
Haworth Guernsey National City California Cap
Helvetia Economy Brand Unsweetened Evaporated Cream Highland Illinois Label
Hietas Dairy Cherry Drink Appleton Wisconsin Cap
Hietpas Dairy Grapefruit Rickey Appleton Wisconsin Cap
High Grade Milk Cap w/Sample
Highland Brand Condensed Milk Helvetia Milk Condensing Highland Illinois Label
Hoffman’s Guernsey Milk Gratz Pennsylvania Cap w/Sample
Honey Dew Dairy Chocolate Phenix City Alabama Cap w/Sample
Howard Page Grade A Medium Cream New Berlin New York Cap
Hunt’s Dairy Skowhegan Maine Cap
Hurlburt Farm Dairy Somers Connecticut Cap w/Sample
Irvin and Holmes Jersey Dairy Gratiot Ohio Cap w/Sample
Janeczek Bros. Wayside Chocolate Milk Drums Pennsylvania Cap w/Sample
Jenkins Pasteurized Milk Gastonia North Carolina Cap
Jersey Isle Stock Farm Special Milk for Children’s Aid Assoc. Rushville Indiana Bottle Top
Jersey Parlor Dairy Whitman Monument Washington Cap
John Barton Manager Anchor Brand Liverpool Dairy Salt Union Pacific Salt San Francisco California Label
Kampersol’s Dairy Pasteurized Dari Rich Milford Massachusetts Cap w/Sample
Kreb’s Dairy Grade A Wakeman Ohio Cap w/Sample
Lait Melk Milk Strong Guy Matchbox Label
Lake of the Woods Dairy Milk Warroad Minnesota Cap
Land O Lakes Sweet Cream Butter Matchbook w/Sample
Lassig’s 2% Rhinelander Wisconsin Cap
Lassig’s Half and Half Rhinelander Wisconsin Cap
Lassig’s Whipping Cream that Whips Rhinelander Wisconsin Cap w/Sample
Lobaugh’s Country Maid Callensburg Pennsylvania Cap w/Sample
Lofland’s Dairy Shiloh and Plymouth Ohio Cap w/Sample
Magnolia Brand Condensed Milk Label
Maple Island Farm Stillwater Minnesota Cap
Marigold Dairies Rich Milk Appreciate the Difference Matchbook w/Sample
Martin Dairy Medium Cream Newark New York Cap
McMaster Bros Inc Milk Saranac Lake New York Cap w/Sample
Meadow Brook Farm North Troy New York Cap w/Sample
Meister’s Dairy Market Milk Meridian California
MH William’s Junior Chocolate Glens Falls New York Cap
Miller Coffee Cream Cambridge City Indiana Cap
Morgan Dairy Whipping Cream South Sioux City Nebraska Cap w/Sample
Nelkies Dairy Skimmed Milk Tawas Michigan Cap w/Sample
Nestle’s Mother Goose Series Milk Food Old Woman in a Shoe Victorian Trade Card
Norman’s Dairy Jewett City Connecticut Cap
NY Mattson Tuberculin Tested Cows Wednesday Swedesboro New Jersey Cap
Omega Dairy VL Wertz the Last Word Cap
Our Pet Helvetia Milk Condensing Co Cream Highland Illinois Label
Overton’s DMF Farms Milk Cap
Pansy Brand Condensed Milk Label
Pasteurized Saturday Halfway Milk Cap w/Sample
Pecora’s Coffee Mix Hazleton Pennsylvania Cap
Pine Grove Dairy Skaneateles New York Cap
Probst Buttermilk Aurora Indiana Cap w/Sample
Probst Krim-Ko Milk Lawrenceburg Aurora Indiana Cap
Pure Milk Dewitt Iowa Milk Cap
Pure Whole Milk Cap w/Sample
Ranny’s Golden Rich Coffee Cream Cap
Ray’s Dairy Milk Madison Wisconsin Cap
Reed’s Pasteurized Milk Beaver Falls Pennsylvania Cap w/Sample
Rickers Dairy Light Cream Milo Maine Cap
Rickers Dairy Light Cream Milo Maine Cap w/Sample
Riverside Dairy Chocolate Cardington Ohio Cap
Rock Spring Coffee Cream Elk Park Pennsylvania Cap
Sanitary Dairy Limited Golden Guernsey Milk Cap w/Sample
Schoppee Milk Machias Maine Cap
Schultz Brown Swiss Milk Pawnee Rock Kansas Cap w/Sample
Shoemake Guernsey Farms Dayton Ohio Milk Cap
Simpson Dairy Farm Pasteurized Milk Turtle Point Pennsylvania Cap w/Sample
Sonrise Dairy Farms RAW Ulysses Kansas Cap w/Sample
Star Brand Condensed Milk Label
Steele Gold Seal Dairy Dayton Ohio Cap w/Sample
Sun Brand Condensed Milk Label
Sunrise Dairy Farm Whipping Cream Cap
Tampa Dairy Farms West Babylon Long Island Terryville New York Cap
Tanguy’s Milk Logansport Indiana Cap w/Sample
Taylor’s Fortified Milk Marshall Michigan Cap
Tech Milk Phone 2117 Cap w/Sample
Torrington Approved Creamery Pasteurized Wednesday Torrington Connecticut Cap
Townview Dairy Cream Dakota Illinois Cap
Try Our Delicious Chocolate Milk Cap w/Sample
Try Our Fresh Cottage Cheese Cap
Union Pacific Salt Banner Brand Dairy Salt John Barton San Francisco Label
Valley Dairy Milk Phone 4372 Cap
Van’s Raw Milk Route Hamilton Montana Cap
Viking Pure Unsweetened Condensed Milk
Village Farm Dairy Coffee Cream w/Sample
Wagner Pure Milk BF Wagner Cap
Walnut Tree Hill Farm Raw Milk Thursday Huntington Connecticut Cap
Wash and Return Bottles Daily Cap w/Sample
Wayside Farm Standardized Milk Greenfield Massachusetts Cap
Wayside Farms Vitamin D Janeczek Bros Drums Pennsylvania Cap
Whole Milk Red Rose Dairy Alpena Michigan Cap
Ziemba Dairy Raw Milk Dudley Massachusetts Cap
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