Faith and Miracles
This morning I wrote a letter to one of my heroes. This is the letter.
Dear Sarah:
Years and years ago someone recommended Simple Abundance to me, but I wasn’t ready for it. Last year was a growth year for me and, around the fall of 2022 I suddenly felt compelled to read your book. I already owned it on my Kindle, but I wanted a hard copy. At the time we were on a remote island off the coast of Maine between moves from Tanzania where we’ve lived 8 years to where we stay now in Shanghai. (We are lifelong expats, my husband and me. )
Anyhow, that afternoon I strolled into the Island Market on Islesboro where we were staying, and someone had just dropped off a perfect copy of Simple Abundance on the book swap table. There are only 300 year-’round residents there, so for that to have occurred in the low season was pretty extraordinary. I snatched it up thinking if I was going to really do your course I wanted to cuddle in with a book, not my phone. I began doing my gratitude journal sometime in there – that month, perhaps October or November of last year.
I’ve done it every night since and have been healed and helped so much by your work – it’s been life changing. So last night I was reading, and you recommended a letter to Santa. I did my gratitude journal last night but did not do the letter. So, this morning in my morning pages (Artists’ Way) I wrote one and prayed over it. You recommended one spiritual and one literal request. I made both. The physical object in my Santa letter was a 1200dpi printer for my business.
Before I stood up from my morning pages, moments after I wrote that note, I glanced at the printer I carried here to China when we moved here last August. It hasn’t been doing what I needed it to do. But something made me research it once again this morning and I learnt, hours ago, that it is in fact a 1200dpi printer and that I’d just been using it incorrectly. What a miracle this morning! I pray for something and it is literally sitting here beside me now.